Are you intimidated by insurance?
Have no fear — this easy-to-understand guide explains everything you need to know, from getting the most coverage at the best price to dealing with adjusters, filing claims, and more.
Whether looking for personal or business insurance, you’ll see how to avoid common pitfalls, lower costs, and get what you deserve at claim time.
- Get to know the basics — understand how to make good insurance decisions and reduce the chances of a financial loss.
- Take your insurance on the road — manage your automobile risks, handle special situations, insure recreational vehicles, and deal with insurance adjusters.
- Understand homeowner’s and renter’s insurance—know what is and isn’t covered by typical policies, common exclusions and pitfalls, and how to protect yourself against personal lawsuits.
- Buy the right umbrella policy — discover the advantages and coordinate your policies to cover the gaps.
- Manage life, health, and disability risks — explore individual and group policies, understand Medicare basics, and evaluate long-term disability and long-term care insurance.
It’s an excellent read for anyone who buys insurance and can be purchased on Amazon!
We at Insurance highly recommend this book by Jack Hungelmann, an Auto-Owners Insurance Company agent in Minnesota.
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I also recommend Insurance for Dummies. It's very well-written, easy to understand, and full of spot-on advice. Several years ago, I recommended this book to our clients on our web site. I was surprised when Jack Hungelmann phoned me to thank me for the endorsement. We had a great chat about how important it is for consumers to educate themselves about insurance. I told him that his book provides a great service to people looking to learn more about how to protect their assets.