Stop right now. Open your wallet. Check the expiration date on your driver's license. This 5-second task could save you unnecessary fines, penalties, and hassles. Your driver's license must be renewed every four years, and Kentucky no longer mails written notification reminders. A true personal story follows. Recently, upon presenting my driver's license at an airport security … [Read more...]
Mine Subsidence Coverage: Do you have it?
Mine subsidence is the collapse of an underground coal mine resulting in direct damage to a structure. A typical home insurance policy does not cover damage originating from earth movement, settling, shrinking, bulging, or soil expansion, including the resultant cracking of pavements, patios, foundations, walls, floors, roofs, or ceilings. The Kentucky Mine Subsidence … [Read more...]
CMS Kicks-off campaign to prepare for New Medicare Cards for Seniors
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017, CMS kicked-off a multi-faceted outreach campaign to help providers get ready for new Medicare cards. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is preparing a fraud prevention initiative that removes Social Security numbers from Medicare cards to help fight identity theft, and safeguards taxpayer dollars. So, how will this work? The new … [Read more...]
Valentines Day Gifts- Are they insured?
If you are lucky enough to get a sparkling engagement ring for Valentines day, be sure to have it properly insured. Jeanne Salvatore, Senior Vice President and Consumer spokesperson for the Insurance Information Institute explains that a special policy called a floater will protect your expensive items from theft as well as "mysterious disappearance". We here at Vaughn … [Read more...]
Tax Forms 1095-B and 1095-C: What You Need to Know
In early 2016, many employees will receive two important new tax forms. In general, you will receive a Form 1095-B if you were enrolled in your employer’s health plan in 2015. You will receive Form 1095-C if you were a full-time employee of a large employer at any time during 2015. In most cases, Form 1095-B will be sent to you by your health insurance company, while your … [Read more...]