After publishing our blog about Corydon fire department being reviewed by ISO and qualifying for a lower rate we found out that several fire departments were reviewed and have qualified for a lower public protection class rating from ISO. What this could mean for you is a reduction in your property insurance premiums.
There is a new rating structure in place as well that will affect insurance premiums. Two fire departments, Niagara & Zion, carry enough water that they have earned a rating of 6 without the requirement of a fire hydrant, but you still have to be within 5 miles of the station. Others have a split class that will require you to be within 5 miles of the fire department and have a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet of your home to qualify for the best rating.
Here is a breakdown on the Henderson County Fire Departments and their new ratings. The X denotes that you are within 5 miles but do not have a fire hydrant. Anything over 5 miles is a 10 regardless of having a fire hydrant.
Contact your insurance agent to find out how this rating affects your premium. Some companies may choose to opt out of the X program, so the properties serviced by the fire departments with the X will still be rated a 9 if you don’t have a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet of your home.
Be sure and donate to your county fire department to help support them in their efforts to provide their service to your area. You can also apply to be a volunteer firefighter. They are always looking for volunteers willing to serve their community.