Do you reside or own property in the Cairo Volunteer Fire District?
Is this property within 5 miles of their fire department?
If you answer yes to both of these questions, you need to contact your insurance agent and request a change on your home insurance effective November 1st, 2018.
We here at Vaughn Insurance are working to change all of our current policyholders that qualify effective November 1, 2018.
Cairo Volunteer Fire Department was rated a PPC (Public Protection Class) 7 / 7X / 10. If you were within 5 miles and had a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet, you would receive a PPC (Public Protection Class) 7 rate. If you were within 5 miles but did not have a hydrant within 1,000 feet, you would receive a PPC 7X rate. With this rate change effective November 1st, 2018, anyone that lives within 5 miles of the fire station will qualify for a PPC 6 rate that should lower your property insurance premium.
This change does not affect anyone that has property over 5 miles from the fire station.
Let us know if you find this information useful. Contact Us!